Powering Up Research: Data Fuelled Innovation

Data Intensive Science is a rapidly emerging, cross disciplinary research challenge already traversing the fields of Materials Science, Bio-medical research, Computational Engineering and Digital Humanities (to name a few). With huge volumes and complex data at the heart of many research projects, advancing the methods used to analyse, manage, and interpret this data is key to facilitating both efficient and reliable science.The significance of the discipline has recently been recognised by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) in awarding £20 million to 6 new national supercomputing centres, including the Cambridge Centre for Data Driven Discovery. This event aims to bring together researchers from varying disciplines across SES and provide them with a forum to share ideas, discover cross-disciplinary patterns in data intensive research, and solve larger research problems.
This event was hosted by King’s College London and the Science and Engineering South Consortium (SES) and open to researchers, support staff, academics and industry members from across King’s College London, the SES Consortium, and the UK.
From our last event
“most enjoyed the influence of AI in modern and future science”
“thank you for organising the excellent event”
“All of the afternoon’s talks were related in some way to my research and greatly inspired me”
Big Data Challenges in Biology and Medicine, KCL/CRICKDownload presentation | Watch talkHPC Environments for Genome/Phenome Analysis within Health Systems, KCLWatch talkBig Data in Culture and Society, KCLDownload presentation | Watch Talk Digital Innovation in Cities, Imperial College London Download presentation | Watch talkComputational Modelling of Protein Dynamics in Heart Disease, QMULDownload presentation