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Data: Clarivate as analysed by UCL colleagues. Graphic: Janine Clayton

Our strengths, in numbers

Our members’ research excellence extends over many different fields, but a data analysis we commissioned shows some clear strengths.

SES members to share in £100m boost to AI research

Nine new research hubs bringing together universities from across the UK will receive £80m to deliver revolutionary AI technologies, with SES members playing a leading role in three.

credit: Barts Health NHS Trust

Queen Mary’s genes project goes national

A QMUL-led project to improve the representation of British people with Pakistani and Bangladeshi heritage in genetic datasets has reached a key milestone.

Conor Howell-Bennett - glassblowing technician, University of Nottingham

The TALENT Commission Report

A vision for the future of the UK’s technical talent in research has been unveiled following a project funded by UKRI-Research England.

Accelerating pathways to climate neutral aviation

A research collaboration led by the University of Cambridge is building an interactive model to explore how aviation could transition to net-zero climate emissions.

Collaboration the Key to Unlocking Cells’ Secrets

Research outcomes can be strengthened hugely by working across disciplines and by combining complementary skills across institutions.

Modelling the ‘Magic’: the Search for Nanocatalysts

The drive to design new materials with surprising capabilities is a fast-moving frontier of research – and computers are well-established as a crucial tool in …

Reassessing Asthma: Biomarkers, Business and Big Data

Affecting millions and costing billions worldwide every year, asthma needs to be better understood to enable better treatment and management of this frequently distressing, sometimes …

From London Labs to Global Growth: the Abzena Story

Successful university spinout companies are a key feature of the UK’s economic landscape – but not many can match the remarkable rise of Abzena, a …

Meeting the Needs of a Wireless World

It’s hard to deny how much we depend on wireless communications – and one pace-setting spinout company is helping to make it possible through patented …