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Research technology professionals – adding value to research teams
When research technology professionals work with your team it makes for ‘happy researchers’ delegates at a SES event heard last month.

Guest Post: ISIS – access the atomic-scale
Beamtime and Batteries at a World-leading Neutron and Muon source My first interaction with the UK neutron and muon source, ISIS, was to apply for …

SES Open: Harnessing FAIR Data
Open Science is a contemporary and relevant theme across the UK research landscape. This year we’re hosting a series of exciting events that directly engage …

Guest Post: Gender Summit 2018
When a variable becomes the question: The changing role of gender in present-day research. Sergio A. Silverio Psychologist & Research Assistant in Qualitative Methods, Institute …

SES Open: Data Mining – exploring the ethical dilemmas
Open Science is a contemporary and relevant theme across the UK research landscape. This year we’re hosting a series of exciting events that directly engage …

Guest Post: A Vision of the Future
Susan Sun is a PhD student in the Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Storage and its Applications at the University of Southampton. Her interest …